Friday, September 13, 2013

Dear boys:Start of School 2013

This going to be short, there are really only 4 boys that are important to me right now so that's all I'm writing to!

Dear Cooper,
So you two are getting married? Hum.. 
Not sure how I feel about it but congrats! 
Good Luck on Tuesday!

Dear Pry-on (hand sign),
I forgot about you over the summer... 
But then I saw you last week,
 I now remember how we could make beautiful red headed babies together...

Dear Justin's,
I haven't seen you in awhile...
 I want tickets so be at church on Sunday

Dear Tulio,
I thought I was over you but I guess not... I just want to see you again soon!
I really am going to miss you more, 
you'll be busy working for Alternacia and 
I'll be here waiting for you against my will and better judgment...
Love always

Ok I have one more...

Dear Concerned Friends,
I love that you care, really I do. I will try very hard to not wait for him, but I am not making any promises... I know he is not exactly what I want but for some reason I have feelings for him... strong ones... Maybe once he is gone it will get better but as of right now I don't know what to think... so just hold on and don't get too mad at me... I'm freaking out just as much or more than y'all. 
Love always,

Love Always Y'all,
 Crazy Country Red-Head

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Dear Boys... Summer 2013 edition

So this summer has been... kind of a bummer as far as boys go... but until about a month ago...
I'll explain...

Dear Justin's,
You were doing rodeo all summer so you are forgiven for not being around
well except that matter of having a girlfriend... oh well
Love, CCR-H

Dear Backwoods Boy,
I now know why you are not married... stop being afraid of commitment...
but I understand a little... and congrats for signing up for LDS Singles.
Love, CCR-H

Dear Rodney Atkins,
So I have know idea if you are here or in Wyoming... but honestly I don't care.
That's right I'm over you
Love, CCR-H

Dear Cooper,
Love, CCR-H

Dear 4-Wheeler
I don't blame you, and your GF is cute! you should get married.
Love, CCR-H

Dear Tulio,
WHY?! Why now, why your age, why why why do I like you so much.... you are not at all what I thought I have always wanted, but I'm ok with that, ok more than ok I am completely happy with it. I like you a lot. But if I want you I have to wait for you... I swore I would never do that but now look at me... You are my very best guy friend and I am hopelessly in love with you so I'd give up wanting a country boy and wait for you to come back. I'm stupid, Love is stupid... oh well... It would make me very happy to find out your feelings, good or bad, for me, and if good... can we like hold hands... or hey maybe even kiss... I know two girls who would love for me to tell them we did...
Love, Linda

Love Always Y'all,
 Crazy Country Red-Head

HELL... I mean Dancing in Ogden...

So I know this has been a long time coming... ha ha sorry!

So we had the super bright idea of going dancing in Ogden because we never have before. I, being me, thought we would meet attractive Cowboys and  be married by the end of summer... or something like that. I was a fool.

So we get there and there is like no one there... and those who are there aren't dancing for the most part.  So we awkwardly stand around. Also we have to pay like a dollar for a bottled water... total rip off at the Fun Park we get water with unlimited refills for 25 cents... and then this weird guy asks us to dance... ok he is one of those guys who thinks he is awesome and really sucks! he is bad... I hate dancing with him... ok really I just hate him...

No one there knows how to line dance... properly! they are so stupid  I was literately dancing circles around them... ME I am not THAT good!

Anyways it was just bad and we vowed to never go there again... unless we brought people we could show of and show those idiots what country night really is!

Next time we went to the Fun Park... guess who shows up... stupid guy from Ogden and he actually told the Bandanna Boys they didn't know where to start a line dance... the nerve of that jerk face... the Bandanna Boys are line dance and Western Swing dance MASTERS!!! You do not question them!

I was furious... I wished I had a gun... no joke!

I'm a little bit passionate about dancing so I get a little crazy! Sorry if this offends anyone at all... But this is my blog and I can say what I want... so deal with it!

Love Always Y'all,
 Crazy Country Red-Head

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Sometimes Dreams Change: 22 List Make-Over and Progress Report

Just as I promised I am updating my 22 list!  Sometimes life changes and you have to be able to adapt to that change, you change, life changes and your dreams can change with them!

Here it is the new and improved 22 list (with updates on how I'm doing!)

  1. Ask a guy to dance every time I go dancing, where ever it is! (I got depressed about boys and stopped, but never fear I WILL get back to this one ASAP!)
  2. Ride a bike (I just need to find a bike to learn on... I know the one I want to buy when I learn!)
  3. Sit with some one new and get to know them at church every Sunday (It's my calling again... I'm not very good at this one due to my shyness.)
  4. Hablaré Español con otras personas. (Speak Spanish with other people, I just need to find them... I do watch and attractive Spanish speaking chef named Hamlet on Mondays and Fridays at 1:00 pm) 
  5. Once a month take some one out for a treat (I actually think I have been doing this one with out even trying!)
  6. Kiss a cowboy (Still my favorite, I did find out one guy I kissed many years ago is now a cowboy... but I'm not counting it...)
  7. Drive a truck (I still haven't... hint hint attractive men I know with trucks... or my roommate may buy one and maybe let me drive it once...)
  8. Go fishing (still haven't yet, but it is free fishing day on Saturday in my back yard aka willow park)
  9. Have a party with DJ Reverb (We need to decided when we are doing this... and warn the neighbors...)
  10. Go to a bar Go to a LUKE BRYAN concert (We have the tickets! This happens September 20! We will also get to see Florida Georgia Line!)
  11. Stay out all night (well I've had breakfast at midnight, but not stayed out all night... yet... but I'm sure it's coming soon!)
  12. Go Shooting (we might be doing this for Home Evening... )
  13. Milk Cows (preferably at 5 in the morning... really I would... so spread the word to all the farmers you know!! Right now, go do it... do it before you finish reading this list!)
  14. Take a Cake Decorating class! (I want to do this for a living so I should get some professional tips...)
  15. Go mudding or mud wrestling (I STILL just want to get all covered in mud, also another potential Home Evening activity)
  16. "Pay" off my car (I need to call my grandma... )
  17. Meet an apostle ( I went to SLC for conference and still now luck... well there is still hope!)
  18. Spend more time outside than inside (Still working on this one... I really don't like the sun!)
  19. Sleep under the stars multiple times (I almost did this the other night... but then I was afraid of bugs)
  20. Sneak out (So I moved out and that would be stupid... but we are going to Colorado for my Uncles wedding... it would be fun to sneak out there...)
  21. Read for fun (I started Pres. Thomas S. Monson's book... it is long... it's going to take me till I'm 23 to finish it!)
  22. Learn how to play "Cowboy Take Me Away" on the Violin (I really need to get on this!)
Well there ya go, my new list of new dreams, and some old ones!

Love Always Y'all,
Crazy Country Red-Head

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Life updates and a potentially empty promise!

So... I fail at blogging, but y'all already knew that... :D
Here is my life update:
I moved out...
that's all
The end.

Ha ha just kidding!

I really did move out! It is so exciting! And my best friend, Melissa, is my roommate! (and in the new Relief Society presidency with me~)And I also live with Kathy, Bree (she owns the house) and Brutus and when school starts again Dorothy! It is way too much fun!! We don't sleep... and we have a quote wall... because we say stupid funny things we are tired. Brutus is our Bree's Saint Barnard, we love him!  

what else is new....
I passed all of my classes... we went dancing at Union Station.... oh heavens I must tell you about that! That will have to be it's own post though!

Derrick.... Elder Hamblin, graduated from High school, and now has received his endowment and will be leaving for Spoken Washington to serve a mission on July 17.

My Uncle who is like 40 something is FINALLY getting married and we get to go to Colorado for his wedding! My Soon-To-Be Aunt is so awesome! I wish she lived in Logan and could be my new best friend!! :D

I promise I will write more often!! 
(and that my friend is the potentially empty promise)

I must write about Ogden and I need to up date my 22 list....
So until then Remember who you are and what you stand for and also don't wet the bed!

Love Always Y'all,
Crazy Country Red-Head

Saturday, February 23, 2013


So yeah you read the title right! I turn 22 today!
A few days ago I heard this song by Taylor Swift called 22, I have decided I really like it! and that song combined with "Ten Seconds in the Saddle" inspired this list!
22 things to do while I am 22!!

  1. Ask a guy to dance every time I go dancing, where ever it is! (yes you did read that correctly)
  2. Ride a bike (I don't currently know how but I will learn!)
  3. Sit with some one new and get to know them at church every Sunday (Hey it is my calling and a good thing to do)
  4. Hablaré Español con otras personas. (Speak spanish with other people) 
  5. Once a month take some one out for a treat (This will be fun!)
  6. Kiss a cowboy (My favorite and not suprising at all!)
  7. Drive a truck (I have always wanted to!!)
  8. Go fishing (I have not gone on in for ever!!)
  9. Have a party with DJ Reverb (This will make my mom and Cam happy!) (oh and me too)
  10. Go to a bar (yes crazy but fun! and no drinking)
  11. Stay out all night (I want to have breakfast at midnight!)
  12. Go Shooting (I have been wanting to do this for ever, it is so fun!!)
  13. Milk Cows (preferably at 5 in the morning... )
  14. Work at the Sno Shack (my current dream job)
  15. Go mudding or mud wrestling (I just want to get all covered in mud)
  16. "Pay" off my car (I owe my grandma like 200 hours on manual labor)
  17. Meet an apostle ( I don't know how this will happend but it would be cool!)
  18. Spend more time outside than inside (I could use some fresh air.. and a little sun... but I will use lots of sunscreen don't worry)
  19. Sleep under the stars multiple times (I always want to do this!)
  20. Sneak out (yeah I'm 22 and I have never snuck out... it's about time I be a rebel!)
  21. Read for fun ( I like never read except for school... but only sometimes...)
  22. Learn how to play "Cowboy Take Me Away" on the Violin (I just love this song!!)
I put list here to explain and on the side of my blog so that all of you can help me remember to make this next year the best ever!!!

The songs!!!

Truly Yours Forever,
 Crazy Country Red-Head


Friday, February 1, 2013

Dear Boys, and such

Wow! So it's a new Semester and that means NEW BOYS! I love it! Elise wrote to other things besides boys, so I'll write a few of those too but I need to write to some boys too!

Dear Cooper,
I know you don't know this but you are one of my best friends! I don't like this not talking to me thing! Are you over us?
Love, CCR-H

Dear Black Hat Cowboy,
   You distract me in Business Law... but I don't mind...
Love, CCR-H

Dear Your not Hispanic,
   Stop pretending, it's quite annoying,  and no you do not know more about being country than me...  it's in my blood, you can't get it from growing up next to it!
Love, CCR-H
   P.S. you have an abnormally large ego... no one likes that... except Shela!

Dear  Motorcycle Man,
   So I just met you, and it may be very possible you don't like country music (I could change that), and then there's that age difference but I like you... and we are the right height for each other... and my Mom approves... so um yeah, by chance do you like 22 year old Red-head Country girls... because I know one who would love to attend a hockey game with you... :D
Love, CCR-H
   P.S. She's me! ;)

Dear Justin's
  I saw you this morning... I regret not asking you to dance on wednesday... but you were talking to girls all night... oh well there is always next week!
Love, CCR-H

Dear '89 Ford
  I want you, I need you, I must have you... To bad I have my grandpa's car and not enough money to buy you...
Love, CCR-H

Dear Cows,
  I can not wait until the day I can own one of you, first I need money... and space to put you... and a truck to take you places... :D
Love, CCR-H

Dear Homework,
   I wish we could break up... but I need you to pass classes that I need toearn the above mentioned money...
Love, CCR-H

Dear Bed,
  I don't like leaving you, but I'll be back tonight!
Love, CCR-H

Truly Yours Forever,
 Crazy Country Red-Head

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Life's is just like ridin' broncs, its a battle....

I love Chris Ledoux! 
He sings this song called "10 Seconds in The Saddle". It is an amazing song!


 My favorite line is
"Well I'll gladly take ten seconds in the saddle

For a lifetime of watching from the stands"
This hit me super hard yesterday! I say on my blog I am trying to be fearless but really I am a wimp and I suck at it. but really I would rather have 10 seconds in the saddle than a lifetime of watching from the stands, I know because that is what I have been doing most of my life, don't get me wrong I believe I have "Saddled up"  a few times but I need to do it a whole lot more!!

So... here is my goal! I will bite the bullet and stay out of the stands! It will be hard, because it is terrifying but I know it will be worth it!

So here I go, 
I am leaving the stands and saddling up!

Truly Yours Forever, 
Crazy Country Red-Head