Saturday, January 5, 2013

Dear Boys: It's Not You, It's Me.

Happy New Year's!! So I am sure every one of you is thinking I'm going explain my resolutions, but no one ever keeps them. So instead, have to decided to do something a little different  for you. It's a new year and a new semester and time to start brand new. My new year will start making people around me happy. To do that I will start by talking about guys! Before I can get a fresh start I need to let go of the old so because my heart is too big (it's a serious emotional condition) I am going to break it gently, but I don't want to make this post as long as Texas so I am only writing to the boys I have had a full blown crush on, some might surprise you.

Dear Backwoods Boy,
 You and your girlfriend make a cute couple!
Love, CCR-H

Dear Cowboy,
 You are ENGAGED!! Congrats!!
Love, CCR-H

Dear Rodney Adkins,
 Spanish class is over... goodbye forever!
Love, CCR-H

Dear Ward Hottie,
 You are not country enough for me.
Love, CCR-H

Dear Doctor Salsa,
 I know I have only known you for like two weeks but oh well your gone now.
Love, CCR-H

Dear Tennessee,
 I don't know why but now that you are home I don't like you, maybe I was just in love with and imaginary man...
Love, CCR-H

Dear Pry-on (Hand-motion)
 You don't even know I exist, but we could have made beautiful redheaded babies together.
Love, CCR-H

Dear Cooper,
GIAamSsoTdoneOlovingNyou, IIam readyWtoImoveLonLand onlyLbeOfriendsVwithEyou. YouYandOReneeUare myFbestOfriendsRandEIVdon'tEwantRto!mess!that!up!!
Love, CCR-H Love your Favorite wife

Truly Yours Forever,
Crazy Country Red-Head
"Sometimes you have to hide things in plain sight... so no one will find it"
I am secretly hoping for an attractive cowboy to come and sweep me off my feet this year!
Hint: The songs of the day is "Tip It On Back"  and "Better Dig Two"

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