So lots and lots has happened! So this post is going to be crazy!
I changed majors, I am now an Accounting Major! Sounds fun right? Actually I think it does, I know I'm weird!
I was called as Chapter President of the Cumorah Chapter of IWA. This is the last semester ever of IWA it is so sad but I know it will be good.
On March 31 my dear friend Libby passed away. She was only 19 and she had Leukemia. I miss her so very very much but I know she is in the spirit world spreading joy and love! :D
Four days later on April 3 my grandpa passed away from Liver Cancer... April was a very hard month but I pushed though and finished the semester and then May was a dark cloud, ( partially because it rained non-stop) but I am OK with it all now!
Our ward boundaries got changed again and this group of guys called the Cowboys got moved out but because my ward is just amazing they bought a house and moved back in! This was great news because I have a huge crush on one of them! (I'll explain more about him in my next post! :D)
This semester has been crazy! I am in a business communications class, Econ, Spanish, and I am taking Private Piano and Fiddle lessons! I love fiddling I am just horrible at it! ha ha!
My little Sister Ariel turned 8 and got baptized.
My cousin Alice is engaged and I am her Maid of Honor she is getting married next August so we will see what happens, I honestly don't think it will last that long but it could happen.
On the subject of weddings... I swear every one is married now... really! or they were married and now are divorced... which is super sad!
I got called as Institute Rep in my ward! I love it! I pretty much live in the Institute building! It brings joy to my soul!
I am so sorry this is a mess but I had to get a lot of stuff caught up! I know I didn't get it all but in my next posts I will fill in the blanks! (I am really going to try to post more consistently)
Miss Crazy Country Red-Head
I had a dream last night that compared men to rocks... and boys were lava because they haven't formed into men yet like lava hasn't formed into rocks... it was the weirdest dream ever!
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