Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tonsils, Talking Animals, and Fairy Hair

Ariel, my little sister, got her Tonsils out on Monday! the poor little girl! They were so big that when they came out she had to re-learn how to breathe!  It was very sad!! Now she is just looney!

Later that day I found out that one of my best friends since Kindergarten, Libby, has Leukemia... again... it is so sad! I hope she can make it again!

On Tuesday I slept in and watched more movies... I am so sick of talking dogs, cat, and other animals!! On wednesday... more movies! My mom and I also went to the store every day this week... stuff for Christmas!

On Thursday morning at about 5:50 I was fast alseep when suddenly it sounded like the ceiling was caving in on me... it was terrifiing!! I almost died! then it stopped and I opened my eyes and nothing happend, so I layed in bed trying to figure out if it was real or not. I then decided that I had to go to the bathroom when I realized it was probably the trundle be my mom was sleeping in with Ariel becasue of her lack of Tonils. So I went and got my water bottle and went upstairs to "fill it" really to go investigate. It turned out to be the bed... it does that it's weird! I talked to my mom for a little while then filled my water bottle and went back down stairs but I couldn't sleep so I just got up. My mom did lots of baking for Christmas Eve tomorrow!

Later Ariel decided to have a party and build a blanket tent... or a tent blanket... ;D  Ariel and I were laying in the tent when I noticed that there was a Fairy stuck in my hair... so I got a brilliant idea... I began sticking fairies in my hair till Ariel noticed! I got all of them in my hair!! it was funny! I have pictures don't worry...

Itsn't my hair beautiful... ha ha I love it!

Well tomorrow is Christmas Eve and we have lots of family comeing up so I'll have a whole new post for all of Christmas! Well good night!

Miss Crazy Country Red-Head


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